
Getting rid of roaches

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Getting rid of roaches

I live in an apartment building, and no matter how good I am at cleaning up food scraps and keeping my apartment spotlessly clean, I still seem to get a lot of roaches in summer. That's why I need to get really clever about keeping the roaches away. I have accumulated a lot of home remedies for pest control for cockroach control as well as trying a lot of different types of pest control products you can buy at the hardware store. This blog has a lot of the techniques that have worked for me over the past few years.


Signs It’s Time To Hire A Professional For Termite Inspection

Termites are one of the most pervasive pests that can invade your home. They are silent destroyers that can munch through structural wood, flooring and wallpaper, causing thousands of dollars in damage. Many homeowners are unaware that they have termites until it's too late. That's why regular termite inspections done by a professional are essential. This blog will highlight the signs that you should hire a professional for termite inspection to keep your home safe from these wood-eating invaders. Read More 

Can Termite Baiting Stations Help Stop an Infestation?

If you've noticed some signs of termites in your home, you may wonder if there is a way to stop their infestation before it worsens. Luckily, there is a solution that can help take care of this problem—termite baiting stations. But what are they, and how do they work? What are Termite Baiting Stations? Termite baiting stations are an environmentally friendly way to control and prevent termite infestations. These stations are placed around your home's perimeter and contain bait specifically designed to kill termites. Read More 

Important Things You Should Know About White Ant Infestations in the Home

If you have noticed white ants around your home, or if you are just worried about pest infestations that can be a problem on residential properties, then you could be wondering about white ant infestations. Some of the important basics that you'll want to know about white ant infestations can be found here. They Aren't Actually Ants at All Many people refer to these pests as white ants because of their appearance. Read More 

Key Factors That Determine the Choice of Termite Treatment

Termites are some of the most destructive pests globally, costing homeowners billions in damages annually. Thus, dealing with a termite infestation as early as possible is the most prudent thing you can do to protect your property. Notably, termite treatments vary, with the most basic three being soil treatment, wood treatment and bait systems. Although all the treatment methods effectively eradicate termites from a property, specific factors determine the best choice. Read More 

How to Control Rat Numbers on Your Property

There is no single method that will help to deal with a rat infestation but you can control their numbers quite effectively by using several different techniques. Overall, it pays to be proactive with rat control and to take countermeasures against them before their numbers rise. If rat control measures are taken and they do not seem to be working, then you should call on a professional in pest control to help you sooner rather than later. Read More